April 22, 2pm EST
2020 Tumblr Tour with Molly Soda
Join Molly Soda as she takes a look at Tumblr in 2020, more than a decade after first creating an account on the platform. She will give a tour of her favorite Tumblr accounts and discuss the changes to the platform and how they mirror the changing landscape of the Internet and social media as a whole. You are encouraged to bring your own links to share as this will be an open discussion.
April 24, 12 pm EST
New materialities and hybrid art spaces with Doreen A. Ríos
AntiMateria director Doreen Ríos will lead us in a talk about "New materialities and hybrid art spaces."
The digital era offers multiple possibilities surrounding the production, simplification, automation and creation: this has opened the door for new materialities that not only respond to the physicality of an object but also to its processes and exchanges developed from digitization.
Understanding the difference between new materials and new materialities from the processes of dematerialization - digitization - rematerialization we’ll be looking into the ideas of ubiquity, teleportation and clonation inside art production.
This talk will be followed by a screening of audiovisual pieces which seek to blur the borders of materials and become dimensional hybrids, playing with the idea of new materialities themselves.
April 26, 2pm EST
Untitled_Moving InIsolation with A Bill Miller
A. Bill Miller will perform a live video feedback mix. A selection of video plates from his liquid light show and remixed motion capture animation footage will be incorporated into the performance. The visuals will be accompanied by a new soundtrack generated for the performance by composer/musician Jeff Herriott.
April 28, 2pm EST
The Passion of the Neutral with Morgan Green
The Passion of the Neutral is a 30 minute performance in which artist Morgan Green reads a selection of excerpts from Roland Barthes' lecture series on The Neutral, while modulating her performance with electrical tools. In her work as a performer, Morgan uses mechanical techniques to expose the operations of language while also indulging the pleasure of words. In his 1978 lecture series on The Neutral, Barthes randomly ordered and discussed a selection of topics, from "Vibratory Time" to "The Wirelike Sharpness of Mourning" in order to better understand the Neutral, a mysterious and radical concept that he talks around, as there is no way to describe it directly. Barthes calls the Neutral an "ardent, burning activity" that "baffles," "outplays," and "parries paradigms." Morgan chooses excerpts from the series that display a special resonance with the strangeness of our time.
May 1, 5PM EST
Emotional Materiality Across Mixed Realities: Panel Discussion led by Dorothy Santos, with panelists Laura Hyunjhee Kim, Tiare Ribeaux, Carla Gannis, and Clark Buckner
Join moderator Dorothy Santos (PhD student in Film & Digital Media at the University of California, Santa Cruz) as she leads a panel discussion with Well Now WTF? artists Laura Hyunjhee Kim, Tiare Ribeaux, and Carla Gannis, and Telematic Gallery director Clark Buckner. Each of the artists on the panel have created work that explores different kinds of representations of the body, embodiment in virtual space, and the non-human subject. The conversation will unpack how emotions are rendered and mediated by digital technologies, and how different affective experiences unfold across mixed realities to inform newfound modes of being born in contemporary media landscapes.
May 2, 5pm EST
Virtual Re-Opening Party - Well Now WTF?: MORE WTF
Museums are still closed. School is still cancelled. The world is still shut off and we’re still stuck indoors. The toilet paper is sold out and we change our Zoom backgrounds more often than we change our clothes. And Twitter...we won’t even go there. While everything is still cancelled, why not make our online show MORE? Silicon Valet is thrilled to announce the addition of 35+ artists to the Well Now WTF? exhibition, and a re-design of the show! Join us on Twitch as we celebrate MORE WTF!
May 8, 2pm EST
BYOW. Whisky 🥃 Studio Chat with LoVid and Jillian McDonald.
Join us for a studio/desktop chat on work in progress and life. Cocktail recipe will be provided.
Whisky Apocalypse Quarantine
-Clementine, lemon, or any citrus on hand (optional)
-Ginger (optional)
-Honey or maple syrup (optional)
-Black tea - stay awake one eye open (optional)
Directions: Stir like it’s the end of the world as you know it
May 9, 12pm EST
Bedroom Obscura with Liz Sales
In an effort to bring the outside world back into our lives, we will spend this workshop transforming our bedrooms into a camera obscuras and sharing our transformed spaces with each other. All you'll need to participate is a room with a window and a door, cardboard, an X-Acto knife, tinfoil, and electrical tape. Later you can use your camera obscura as a tool to trace a mural onto your walls or just enjoy the view.
May 12, 2pm EST
Come to my Window: A Collection of Readings hosted by Nicole Killian
Featuring Chino Amobi, Rey Carlson, shawné michaelain holloway, Ty Little, and Maesie Mattia
May 13, 5pm EST
Centre for Emotional Materiality (CEM): Reflections on the Techno-Emoto-Sphere
Join the Centre for Emotional Materiality (CEM) (Surabhi Saraf, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, Caroline Sinders, M Eifler) on a discussion highlighting the relationships between the body, emotions, and how it affects our sense of agency in the ‘Techno-emoto-sphere’: the aspect of our digital lives that is particularly focused on extracting emotional data from our interactions with machines. The event will lead into an open conversation with Tiare Ribeux, Carla Gannis, and Clark Buckner from the previous “Emotional Materiality Across Mixed Realities” panel organized by Silicon Valet and moderated by Dorothy Santos.
May 16, 5PM EST
Gifhouseparty with Antonio Roberts
Join artist and occasional musician Antonio Roberts (aka @hellocatfood)
for a live audio visual party for all of the gifs stuck at home. Want
to join in? Send a picture or gif of you dancing (against a green
screen or solid colour) to antonio@hellocatfood.com.
May 22, 2PM EST
A Tingling Sensation Overcomes You w/ Anneli Goeller
A tingling sensation overcomes you is a performance by Anneli Goeller, @s3lf13star. While interacting with augmented reality environments and objects of their design, they will read a poem that was co-written with their artificial intelligent 3D scanned avatar, @digitalqueer.
Since closed captioning is not available on Instagram, a transcript of this live event will be published before it begins at anneligoeller.net, and a pre-recorded captioned version will be posted on @s3lf13star’s Instagram feed. The performance will consist of a quiet poetry reading in the style of ASMR. There will be an augmented reality element: 3D objects will move slowly around the artist as they perform.
June 4, 12PM EST [canceled]
Net Art History: in Conversation with Jan Robert Leegte
From the first net artists tinkering with code in the early 90’s all the way up to instagram artists of 2020, net art has a long and complex history. Join us for an artist talk and conversation about the trajectory of net art with one of the genre’s pioneers, Jan Robert Leegte. We’ll be using Leegte's work as a guide to discuss the past 25 years of net art, and how the anti-establishment sentiment of the first wave of net artists created an impact that has lasting effects still seen today.